Links of Interest

ICBDA - International Choreographed Ballroom Dance Association. Explore here to see more advanced dancing above beginning level. For $20 you can become a member and have access to convention videos and technical manuals. 

Harvest Holiday Website - Information on Dallas/Fort Worth Harvest Holiday Festival and monthly Sunday Fun Dances (Phases 3-6). Harvest Holiday also hosts three additional dances at the Phase 2-4 level: Summer, Fall, and Winter Rounds, and they sponsor a MiniFest (afternoon teaches and evening dance) usually held once a year at the Phase 2-4 level.

Roundalab - International Association of Round Dance Teachers - Explore here for information on dance positions, cue sheet writing guidelines which helps explain cue sheets, and abbreviations to help you decipher abbreviated cue sheets.
Note: To download actual figure descriptions, you must be a subscriber member at $25 per year.

Texas Round Dance Teachers Association (TRDTA) - Contact information for cuers and teachers in Texas and links to various dance festivals in the state.

Dance Round Out Your Life - Explains dancing to cues and provides videos showcasing samples of choreographed ballroom dancing.

Figure and Styling Manual for Round Dancing - Excellent resource by Harold Sears. In addition to figure descriptions, there are many articles of interest to the round dancer as well as a links page to many round dance organizations, dance clinics, and instructional books and videos.

Nortex - North Texas Square & Round Dance Association with lots of links to square and round dance opportunities.

You 2 Can Dance - Resource encouraging various forms of recreational dancing - Square, Round, and Contra Dancing.

Cue Sheet Links

Roundalab Index of Rounds - Source for full cue sheets of dances on the Roundalab (International Association of Round Dance Teachers) website. Great search engine as it allows you to search many different ways and refreshes even as you type in your search string.

Cue Sheets All Over - Older source for full cue sheets of dances on the Mixed-Up Squares site. Most cuesheets are now uploaded to the Roundalab Index.

Video Dance Links

Annette and Frank Woodruff Video Site - Open access

Art and Jacquie Hays Dance Videos - Includes many older dances that can't be found elsewhere. Follow instructions on main page to gain access (Maintained by ICBDA).

Shutterfly Site Maintained by Gene Severance (Mesa) - Contact Gene Severance through the Shutterfly site.

Glen and Helen Arceneaux Site - Your request to access this site must come through your instructor to verify you are a round dancer.